Chapter 5


      "I guess you're right," said Lucy.

      "Let's return... oh wait, just got a transmission!" said Blake as he grab out his red dragon phone.

      "Blake! The enemies have breached our defenses! We need backup!" said the camper.

      "On our way, evacuate if you need to!" said Blake.

      "Yes sir!" said the camper.

      "What is going on?" said Jake.

      "The enemies are invading our outpost!" said Blake, "let's go!"

      Blake's crew got on the Red Dragon Ship and set sail to their outpost.

      As they arrive to their outpost, their captain is rallying his troops.

      "How is the situation here?" said Blake.

      "Severe, we are nearly outnumbered!" said the outpost captain.

      "Like I said before, retreat if you must." said Blake, "for now, I need your squad to take out as many as possible!"

      "Yes general!" said the outpost captain.

      They fought until three Dark Wizards and their leader are left.

      "Captain, order your survivors to evacuate immediately!" said Blake.

      "Yes general, you heard him! Move now!" said the outpost captain as they leave their outpost to safety.
