
      The time before the Legendary Crew was assembled, a young hero who is named Lucy, she and her parents were in the war zone against the darkness.

      "Lucy!! Run to safety!" said Lucy's Father.

      Lucy was young and she is too scared to figure out what to do in this situation.

      "We promise you that we will come for you!" said Lucy's Mother.

      "O-okay," said Lucy as she leaves the area.

      Lucy couldn't look back as she hears them scream.


      Lucy is hanging out in the woods, all by herself until she hears footsteps.

      Lucy grabs a rock and climb up a tree.

      A soldier who serves the darkness is on patrol who is armed with a bow!

      Lucy is waiting for her chance to ambush him.

      When the Archer went a bit further, Lucy jumps down and smack him with a rock that stunned him for a bit until he realized that his bow and arrows has been taken!

      Lucy has some great Archery Skills during a Ranged Training, she used the stolen bow to shoot him.

      "Ahh..." said the Dark Archer.

      After Lucy killed her target, she runs away as soon as possible.
